The Applied Wisdom of
Wholeness, Interconnectedness,
and Co-Creativity
Tom Atlee’s latest book - Available Now
While our global societies boast intelligence and even collective intelligence, their ability to address our escalating global challenges remains tragically inadequate.
In "Co-Intelligence - The Applied Wisdom of Wholeness, Interconnectedness, and Co-Creativity," Tom Atlee proposes the transformative shift we may be missing: the grounded and yet visionary leap into the realm of co-intelligence.
Through essays, stories and poems, he highlights this holistic manifestation of intelligence that holds the key to cultivating meaningful collective wisdom for the long-term benefit of all.
Available in paperback and Kindle versions.
Electronic versions
Electronic versions of the book are also available in EPUB and PDF formats.
If you would like a copy, write to Tom at cii@igc.org – with 'CI eBook' in the Subject line – and he will email you a gift version (please specify which format).
In exchange you can donate what feels right to you. You might like to put a note in your calendar some time in the future (say in a month or 6 weeks time) to consider what you'd like to give back, if you liked the book and found it to be of value.
You can also download a FREE CHAPTER from the book here on “Co-Intelligence and Story”
A full document of endorsements - (including some in longer form) is available for download here.
Wednesday March 27th 2024 - Official Online Book Launch Event
Tom Atlee, old friends of CII and new gathered to hear Tom tell the story of his new book "Co-Intelligence - The Applied Wisdom of Wholeness, Interconnectedness, and Co-Creativity."
This interactive session included Tom sharing excerpts and poems from the book, group discussion and Q&A.
Watch the video of the event on this page.